Friday, October 22, 2010

Used Ice Skate Sharpening Machine

Agriculture and Consumer

Oggi pomeriggio Storace sarà a Latina, con gli agricoltori del CRA, per una manifestazione in Piazza del Popolo. By Robert Storace will also Buonasorte, which is precisely the region in the Commission which deals with policy issues. They will expect to demonstrate for the declaration of a state of crisis, compared to a situation that has become unmanageable for many businesses that are on the brink of the precipice. It 'obvious that a crisis affecting agriculture and the responsibility to be set against all those policies that for decades it strainfischia. There are

first European responsibilities, ranging criticized, opposed, shot. We need national representatives without ties to the powers that protect many other interests, but have wanted, with the dam elettorale, impedire a chi è autonomo di poter rappresentare i diritti della terra. E l’Unione Europea privilegia la fabbrica industriale all’opera del contadino. E corriamo il rischio serio di veder degenerare gli effetti della crisi, di compromettere la tenuta sociale, di allentare il rapporto produttivo tra l’uomo e la campagna. E’ una crisi che sta diventando strutturale. Eppure aumentano i prezzi dei prodotti, il consumatore se ne lamenta, ma a lievitare sono i costi di produzione. E chi produce in agricoltura ha un reddito sempre più basso.

Tutto diventa drammatico quando un’azienda chiede aiuto alla banca: lì incontra l’usura in guanti bianchi, vengono negati quattrini per gli investimenti, while increasing the heavy taxes due for water, electricity, transport ... Then, the competition from across the border. No control for foreign merchandise, to inspections immense national product. And without adequate and competitive tax reliefs. For a ton of grapes, spend to produce more than realized. And who gets to buy cheaper products if you import them from outside and sells them at the price he wants. The injury and insult. Who pays is the Italian company, is the Italian consumer. The same

Rural Development Plan is subject to complex rules, the photography company's investment plan, the program time trial and so many claims that bring burocraticissime knee most companies. These are the reasons why Buonasorte Storace and have filed a motion to invite the Regional Government of Lazio to proclaim a state of crisis in the sector. But not only. It should be dealt with firmly the theme of access to credit and the right not to be harassed. Not only banks but also Gerit with a sadism worthy of a better cause, she attacked agriculture with foreclosures on everything, even mortgaging the air we breathe. Even for this there will be another motion under discussion in the Regional Council to restructure corporate debts, to promote access to microcredit, to establish a guarantee of tutors who work the land. Farmers not leave them alone. This afternoon in Latin America will also be a delegation of "LaDestra" of funds, to testify to the closeness of the movement to those who every day are forced to face a fight for survival.


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