Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How To Wear Handkerchief Snowboarding

The Left is sinking, Rivelli: PD is responsible for electoral

New South of April 15, 2008, edited by ERRECI :

subject - a result below expectations that obtained from the Rainbow Left in Basilicata and in the province of Matera. Disappointed Rosa Rivera, the party leaders in the Senate: "It 's a result well below expectations. Evidently the idea did not permit the Rainbow Left. The process was accelerated by the federation campaign, and traditionally our basic needs to think about good choices to make. The reality - adds Rivelli - is that the theory of the useful vote massacred there. The worst result is that the design of the PDL, endorsed by the PD to get rid of the Left by Parliament successful and this is the biggest responsibility of the Democratic Party with which the gap becomes wider for a possible dialogue in the future. "
The Left short disappears from the Italian political geography. and downsizing of many in his political clout in the province of Basilicata and Matera. A result, that these elections could weigh on the nearby provincial administrators.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Read Mitsu X Mitsu Drops

Thursday, April 10 in Potenza, in Piazza Duca della Verdura, closing campaign :
- 19.30: meeting with the candidate of the Rainbow Left,
- ore 22.00: music and dancing to the rhythm of Iatrida .

PS: per consultare l'archivio degli appuntamenti di questa campagna elettorale cliccare sui segnaposto della mappa in fondo alla pagina.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tested Day Period Due Negative

Agenda No to landfill Ferrandina!


Nel corso della riunione tenutasi nella Sala Consiliare del Comune di Ferrandina tra l’Amministrazione Comunale e il Comitato antidiscarica di rifiuti pericolosi che la Basento Ambiente srl vorrebbe costruire in contrada Venita, la Sinistra l’Arcobaleno ha ribadito la sua contrarietà a questo another environmental destruction.
Among the myriad reasons to oppose this project has highlighted the incompatibility of the landfill with the vocation of the area concerned that already in electoral program of the United Ferrandina, on our proposal, is identified as a site for organic farming and the home of PARK REGIONAL and olive CALANCHI .
and therefore considered that the environmental impact assessment after the authorization must be granted by the Basilicata Region, we urge the City Council to raise with force against the establishment of the Region of the Park and the Province of Matera to approve the Provincial Plan smaltimento dei rifiuti pericolosi.
La Sinistra l’Arcobaleno infine riconferma la proposta di acquistare 1 mq per ogni cittadino di Ferrandina, così come già sperimentato in altre parti d’Italia (TAV) atteso che i terreni interessati non sono nella disponibilità di Basento Ambiente ma di proprietà dell’ ALSIA .

Derestricting A Skyteam St50

rights and secularism

La Sinistra l’Arcobaleno ha chiesto a tutte le donne candidate capolista, di Camera e Senato, una breve dichiarazione sul tema dei diritti e della laicità:

Rosa Rivelli:
Una politica in favore delle donne non si può limitare a compensazioni di reddito ma nella creazione intorno a loro di una rete di servizi reali (asili, consultori, scuole a tempo pieno) che diano loro maggiori spazi di vita, di libertà e di espressione.
Il contributo che, in quanto donne, possiamo dare alla affermazione di una sinistra unita e plurale è un’opportunità per aprire spazi di libertà e di partecipazione per tutti.

Titti De Simone:
Autodeterminazione delle donne e diritti civili non possono essere considerati temi etici e perciò espunti dalla discussione e dalle scelte politiche. Pd e Pdl stanno cercando di eclissarli dalla campagna elettorale per non aprire contraddizioni al internally, but for us, bodies, desires, choices of self-determination of women and men are the essence of politics and claim its primacy.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Pink Tinged Mucus In Early Pregnancy

Melfi's statements ... Spot

On the site of the Rainbow Left Melfi are videos of the demonstration on March 29 last year. These include the video of my speech.
To view click here.

Anatomy Of Hammerhead Shark

election - the Left of the Rainbow Ferrandina (MT)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Knee Pain Burst Capillaries

the side of ... QuiMateraLibera

We express our utmost sympathy to the boys QuiMateraLibera shameful intimidation of being in a suit and tie. Their only "fault" is to be engaged in the just struggle against the dangerous project of building an incinerator in Matera.
E 'unacceptable deliberate disinformation conferences such as those organized by the Lions Club, helping to create.
overcome by force yet another attempt to transform the Basilicata in a garbage can and we will be neighbors in any home, to those who struggle to put at the center of policy decisions, the environmental issue.

Rosa Rivera and Titti De Simone

Historic Corporate Bond Prices

How to vote called for the passing of Rosa

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