Friday, February 8, 2008

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If the obese are "guilty" of genes? It seems so, but ...

The news is not exactly comforting. Find that obesity is written in the genes, in fact, gives courage to those who undergo a strict diet in hopes to streamline its forms. The news spread from London and supported by a study by Jane Wardle, was published in the journal "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researcher says that a genetic predisposition causes some people to become obese, or at least to take more risks than others. Tam Fry of the Child Growth Foundation, also notes that, although not mutated genetics in recent years, there is a sharp increase in people who tend to obesity, especially among the very young and he thinks this would be due only to bad habits food, are also responsible for serious diseases related to the primary cause. It therefore seems advisable to avoid conditions that may increase the incidence of obesity, prevention is the risk, monitor their weight, check the adipose tissue mass, making the move, reducing the foods that a lot of heat and drink plenty of water. At the very least, pace of genes, limiteranno i danni.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

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Here we go again! The usual refrain heard for too long ...

Il presidente della Repubblica ha sciolto le Camere ed ha pronunziato poche , ma significative, parole invitando le forze politiche al dialogo e ad esprimere il proprio credo, programmi e critiche in modo pacato, interpretando il pensiero di tanti italiani che si augurano si possa dare vita ad un nuovo modo di fare politica, libera da falsità, scorrettezze e scontri furibondi. In tanti, credo, ci aspettiamo una campagna elettorale che rispetti la dignità di ciascuna persona, qualunque ruolo rivesta, che sia chiara e costruttiva, rivolta a fornire coordinate precise su come si intende governare e su quali iniziative saranno poste in essere per sanare o equilibrare le situazioni di grave disagio in cui versano molteplici settori della vita pubblica e privata. Purtroppo, però, accade ancora di sentire ex parlamentari preoccupati solo di non consegnare l’Italia a Berlusconi, di esprimere, cioè, un pensiero che ha già fatto il suo tempo.
Molti italiani, a dire il vero, si aspettano che altre preoccupazioni alberghino in seno ai candidati. Preoccupazioni volte a fare lavorare il cervello per trovare idee nuove, se ne hanno, e giuste misure da mettere in cantiere. Vogliono sentire un altro disco, scoprire volontà, intelligenze e segni di onestà operativa e intellettuale. Dalla competizione che, a dire il vero, si preannuncia interessante, vista la popolarità and charism enjoyed by the leaders of both parties more representative, we hope that those who can prove they reveal what it takes to emerge, which will be capable of instilling confidence in the new policy, which will offer security, stability and prosperity and not import their name or the deployment of belonging. Nica

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

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The word Lent comes from the Latin word "Lent" and indicates, for Christians, a purification process that lasts 40 days.

Lent begins with a purification period of 40 days preceding Easter.
It 's a time for reflection and prayer that is offered to Christians to reach a state of grace and salvation through prayer, fasting and charity. Lent is divided into several stages and includes several functions which tend to reflect on the transience of life (sacred ash) on the essentials of life (fasting, abstinence, charity), dialogue with our inner part and the relationship with our neighbor (retreats, prayers) and, finally, the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Way of the Cross and other sacred rites). Nica

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

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Carnival: Last day to express the desire for freedom and lightheartedness.

Carnival, etymologically "carnem remove" or "carnival" is a party which has ancient origins and is related to events dating back some 4000 years ago, as the Lupercalia and Saturnalia. The word indicated that the banquet was held martedì grasso, prima del giorno delle ceneri, che segnava l’ inizio della Quaresima, periodo in cui la carne non si mangiava. L’atmosfera che si respira durante i giorni in cui ricorre la festa è magica. La gente si maschera, assumendo le sembianze più svariate , seguendo l’impulso di desideri repressi e chimere, per sentirsi libera, seppure per qualche giorno, dalle costrizioni, per dimenticare i problemi che assillano nella quotidianità.
La voglia di divertirsi esplode per le strade, con canti, balli, scherzi e divertimenti di ogni genere. Il Carnevale rimane, da sempre, però, la festa dei bambini che si lasciano trasportare in luoghi fatati popolati da principesse, piccoli re, pierrot and a host of characters to their loved ones. For a few days, live as if in ecstasy, the free rein of the imagination, we embody and become involved in a scene that allows them to get away for a while 'and dream. Nica


Monday, February 4, 2008

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Bruxism : A disorder that can cause dental problems.

The Bruxism disorder, which manifests itself particularly in the early stages of sleep, is the act of involuntary teeth gritting, tighten up on the apparatus to produce dental consequences. The continuous rubbing of the arches, in fact, can cause wear of the enamel, fractures and musculoskeletal soreness. The cause of the disorder is reduced a fattori meccanici, oppure alla presenza di precontatti, o a stress prolungati.
L’applicazione di byte, usati anche dai piloti di auto e moto, riscontrabili in tutte le farmacie, che vanno indossati di notte, consentono di tenere al riparo i denti. Un altro rimedio consiste nell’applicazione di corone dentarie.
Il disturbo può colpire fino al 50 per cento della popolazione fra donne, uomini e bambini.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

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pain for the mother who is dying slowly makes a great humanity to Silvio Berlusconi.

“Mamma Rosa” sta spegnendosi lentamente, come tante mamme, che hanno portato a termine la parabola della vita. Una donna simpatica, dolce, che più volte abbiamo visto sorridente accanto al figlio, ha già perso conoscenza. Reading the newspapers this morning I tried it, inexplicably, feelings of sadness. I read with much love are accompanying the children, I did not know I saw expressions on the face of former President Silvio Berlusconi and I reflected on the pain, a feeling that we all want to escape, but humanity and sensitivity that makes the man. Berlusconi, although already in electoral period, lost the enamel of his best days. Appears with tired eyes and a shy demeanor. Today I saw him in a helpless man, who is about to lose their beloved mother, who wants to stand next to her, hold her hand, make her feel her great respect and love. Man, of whatever political color or social class or culture and, who knows how to keep alive feelings respecting the roots of the past, respect elders and the sanctity of life, who can experience the pain of the loss of every human life, can not get the respect and the respect of a company Civil hopes for a better future. Nica

Friday, February 1, 2008

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Striptease on a plane at high altitude.

It seems that the temperature was hot in the cockpit of a plane presumably in London. It seems that the temperature has been made hot by a hostess, an uninhibited girl who cheer for the pilot and co-pilot did not find better than improvise a striptease, exposing her charms, which now enjoys, for an unexpected Justice , the people universo del Web.
Le compagnie indagano per conoscere “ i colpevoli” ma ormai il “ fattaccio” è avvenuto e si deve ringraziare il fato se l’aereo è arrivato a destinazione, con il suo carico umano, senza subire il danno di tanti focosi spiriti.