Friday, October 22, 2010

Buying A Brazillian Wax In Delhi?

repeated defend traders

more respect for traders of the town center. At the top are asking local de "LaDestra" Macaro Angelo and Francesco Ciccone, who, through a letter sent to ENEL in the day, call into question the repeated incidents in recent weeks related to sudden and harmful disruptions dysfunction del servizio di fornitura dell’energia elettrica.

Nei giorni scorsi, infatti, si sono verificati numerosi casi di black-out che hanno lasciato al buio intere zone della città ed in particolare Corso Appio Claudio e dintorni. E se per le attività commerciali generiche tutto ciò ha comportato l’impossibilità di tenere accese le proprie vetrine, ancora più gravi sono state le ripercussioni per Bar, Pubs, Caffetterie, Market e Gelaterie, i cui proprietari si sono visti costretti a gettare prodotti ed alimenti andati a male proprio per la mancanza di elettricità che azionasse frigoriferi e congelatori. Parecchi imprevisti li hanno dovuti subire anche gli Uffici e gli Istituti Bancari, ma quello che intendono better protect the executives of "LaDestra" is the right of traders to take advantage of all those services for which they are required to pay substantial sums, and a period as difficult as what they are experiencing and having to stop to look at not being able to meet the customer requirements due to liability of others has the flavor of the joke.

understanding that the problem is closely related to other issues: the result of unlit streets and alleys is the free development of the crime or the danger of accidents and injuries, because it is not that difficult trip over the flagstones of the slide Old Town. And then for the safety of citizens, to the work requirements of traders, the image of the heart of our city "LaDestra" demands that those responsible should work to remedy this situation in order to avoid discomfort that may occur as those new episodes last month .


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