Friday, October 22, 2010

Appropiate Military Ball Gowns

our priorities in the act of euthanasia tourism sector ...

"After recent events related to the dredging of the Canal St. Anastasia Bliz and the Guardia di Finanza in respect of boats moored along the banks of the canal, the owners and professionals, who regularly occur, such as bombs, at the height of summer, the question arises whether, despite the objective of compulsory enforce the laws are not followed by the bodies that roads can be traced back to behaviors in order to address the issues, preventive measures of various kinds, rather than characterized by a kind of self-promotion and spectacle that have no reason to be "state Macaro Angelo and Francesco Ciccone, local party leaders of "LaDestra" ..

We are on the eve of August and here we realize what is happening for years, waiting for policies and institutions are interested in applying to duty. The doubt that it is a defiance seems, therefore, quite unfounded. But beyond this, the fact remains that a state of severe crisis in the tourism sector, so as shown by the figures released by Confcommercio Company, whose Chairman Vincent Zottola spoke of a deterioration in the tourism sector with a negative balance in the order of 40% annually, adding events like those that we refer to the fact that even ditched little "tourist" who still choose our region as a destination for their holidays.

"LaDestra" For all these reasons, the City intends to solicit funds, the Mayor Salvatore De Meo and the relevant Head of Tourism for decisive action, which aims to make the absurd limit of five days (as set for the removal of vessels), given the objective difficulties from interested parties to be able to comply, is extended until the end of the summer season. The local Party Secretary, Angelo Macaro, and provincial leaders of the same, Francesco Ciccone call at the same time the city administration to take action promptly to ensure that, immediately after the summer break, the same is committed to give priority to solving the problems related to the tourism industry, bringing with determination in the field all the initiatives that show, to catch up in the past, finally concrete answers to the industry and all citizens, from the PUA (dell'Arenile Service Plan), as well as the definition of a project per la realizzazione di un approdo turistico per natanti.


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