Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mac Nc 30 Everyday Minerals

exposed Fiber Art by Achille De Tommaso

From December 7, the artist Achille De Tommaso exhibit in the historic Cloister of Sant'Anna in Ferrara, which will feature a special exhibition of contemporary art scheduled for the fifth International Biennial of Art in Ferrara. De Tommaso is one of the few names of artists for the national exhibition, which boasts over ten years of success in the cultural and Ferrara.
In an environment steeped in historical and cultural flavors of the Cloister of St. Anne as the three works of Achille De Tommaso will be on display until December 21, 2010: we speak of works belonging to the pictorial cycle of the peculiar Fiber Art De Thomas as "Ballerina" "The Embrace" and "Brain".
In the painting titled "Ballerina" the observer is thrilled dall'apoteosi synthesis, underlined by a slight movement derived from the drapery fabric. This is a simple piece of fabric, painted by Thomas De with a deep red color and not only faced by the focal position but also the uniqueness of the subject that appears come unico elemento sospeso sulla tela. L’intensità del rosso presagisce una presenza passionale che rievoca la cultura andalusa nonché la danza del flamenco.
La materia diviene un vero e proprio racconto visivo nell’opera denominata “L’abbraccio”, dove un suggestivo gioco di luci e ombre trova nel dinamismo del gesto tutto la sua originale essenza. Questa tensione rintracciabile tra sfondi bruni e rilievi chiari richiama la metafora della “notte” della vita e il “giorno” dell’esistenza che si alternano incessantemente nei percorsi dell’uomo.
Anche in “Brain” visualizziamo pienamente tale poetica cromatica nell’accentuazione del logos e del pathos.
Involved in the contamination of art and science, Achille De Tommaso is a witness of our time, its light and its rare decaying eyesores. His works are authoritative documents of the society of the twenty-first century.


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