Va Pokemon Gold Trade
Buontempo: "Counterfeiting of combat!" Quando è in gioco la sicurezza dei cittadini e, in particolare, quella dei minori, bisogna evitare di rincorrere gli eventi o di attendere gravi fatti di cronaca per intervenire, occorre invece che la Pubblica Amministrazione e le autorità tutte creino le condizioni ideali di uomini, strutture e corretta informazione per prevenire casi come quelli legati alla contraffazione ed alla immissione sul mercato di giocattoli costruiti senza la conformità alle norme vigenti e dannosi per la salute dei cittadini.
In Italia la contraffazione viene spesso, e giustamente, mitigated through the lens of tax evasion, but this must not overshadow the need for tighter controls and extended the territory, which is useful in protecting consumers who, seeing the products shown in the windows easily fall into the deception considering that the upstream has been made all the necessary investigations. Even professional associations should act decisively on dealers display and sell these goods.
not only the task of the Tax Police, which is still recognized as intense about it, having to do the checks, but also the judiciary and law enforcement must act to rebuild all the supply chain of counterfeit products before the products reach the shops and above the stalls, or you risk that for every seizure made on legal and illegal market is multiplied by ten the offer. With the economic crisis that overwhelms the first families that leads to more choices in purchases related to the economy that the safety of products, you run the risk to children, that is the weakest, is given a gift potentially dangerous to their health .
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