La fortissima crisi del settore agricolo-zootecnico non lascia indifferenti i Consiglieri Regionali de “LaDestra”, On. Francesco Storace ed On. Roberto Buonasorte. Con due importantissime Mozioni hanno di fatto chiamato in causa il Consiglio Regionale del Lazio e la Presidente Polverini. Ne danno notizia, esprimendo soddisfazione per l’iniziativa intrapresa, il Segretario Comunale de “LaDestra” di Fondi Angelo Macaro ed il Dirigente Provinciale Francesco Ciccone.
Due interventi mirati, quelli dei rappresentanti de "LaDestra" turned the spotlight on the period of dramatic crisis facing the agricultural-livestock. A crisis caused by socio-economic events of recent years and the lack of implementing policies in support of the industry. The operators, in fact, they are forced to face a heavy debt situation generated by the high production costs, compounded by fierce competition from producers in third countries that enter the domestic market large quantities of goods to food-cost way less than those borne by our producers. A situation exacerbated also by the costs arising from onerous social security contributions and user charges (tariffs Electricity, water charges, transport, etc. ...).
entrepreneurs, rather than be supported with incentives and state aid, are subject to harassment by a real part of institutes such as debt collection Gerit, a private company that deals with the collection of fees taxes and give notice to the repossession of mortgaged property and against non-compliant taxpayers, causing further damage to critical situations.
The objective of the motion was centered, which bind the President of the Regional Council to intervene in support of stakeholders, thus alleviating the signs of social tension perceived between the industry, enabling the procedures to issue a decree with which to declare a state of crisis in the agricultural sector and its productions, to put farmers in a position to benefit from the provisions of Law No 26 April 2005 71 and by Law 231/2005. "LaDestra" she asks, in fact, work against Lazio farmers through restructuring of the debts of companies, with the participation of the region for access to micro-credit, to provide the opportunity for those who, in recent years, as in serious difficulties and were in default and arrears, to heal and give new impetus to its activities by setting up professional tutors to ensure among the loan applicants and the entity.
Even at the local level "LaDestra" does not stay to watch. In the coming days Macaro Ciccone and meet the Mayor De Meo to make some proposals, particularly for the activation of post short of a path functional short chain that can run to the rescue real economy agricultural town and district by encouraging consumption of local products. "LaDestra" spokesperson will be the establishment of fruit and vegetable markets of the district, reserved only for producers Fondane, to facilitate the consumption of local purchase at market prices lower. "In keeping with the commitments made in the drafting of the Program Administrator of Elections, will be pushing for the creation of a special agency for the promotion and development of the territory" in collaboration with the Province, Region, Central Government and the European Union and the achievement of specific financial resources, which will help promote economic growth activities, with the development of innovative interventions and logistical and financial support to the productive fabric of the city, especially for the scope of the social and cooperative, as well as the activation of procedures for the recognition of local products in order to obtain quality marks, the implementation of a regional marketing "of products-food, with action promotion of controls on traceability. "conclude Macaro and Ciccone.
Due interventi mirati, quelli dei rappresentanti de "LaDestra" turned the spotlight on the period of dramatic crisis facing the agricultural-livestock. A crisis caused by socio-economic events of recent years and the lack of implementing policies in support of the industry. The operators, in fact, they are forced to face a heavy debt situation generated by the high production costs, compounded by fierce competition from producers in third countries that enter the domestic market large quantities of goods to food-cost way less than those borne by our producers. A situation exacerbated also by the costs arising from onerous social security contributions and user charges (tariffs Electricity, water charges, transport, etc. ...).
entrepreneurs, rather than be supported with incentives and state aid, are subject to harassment by a real part of institutes such as debt collection Gerit, a private company that deals with the collection of fees taxes and give notice to the repossession of mortgaged property and against non-compliant taxpayers, causing further damage to critical situations.
The objective of the motion was centered, which bind the President of the Regional Council to intervene in support of stakeholders, thus alleviating the signs of social tension perceived between the industry, enabling the procedures to issue a decree with which to declare a state of crisis in the agricultural sector and its productions, to put farmers in a position to benefit from the provisions of Law No 26 April 2005 71 and by Law 231/2005. "LaDestra" she asks, in fact, work against Lazio farmers through restructuring of the debts of companies, with the participation of the region for access to micro-credit, to provide the opportunity for those who, in recent years, as in serious difficulties and were in default and arrears, to heal and give new impetus to its activities by setting up professional tutors to ensure among the loan applicants and the entity.
Even at the local level "LaDestra" does not stay to watch. In the coming days Macaro Ciccone and meet the Mayor De Meo to make some proposals, particularly for the activation of post short of a path functional short chain that can run to the rescue real economy agricultural town and district by encouraging consumption of local products. "LaDestra" spokesperson will be the establishment of fruit and vegetable markets of the district, reserved only for producers Fondane, to facilitate the consumption of local purchase at market prices lower. "In keeping with the commitments made in the drafting of the Program Administrator of Elections, will be pushing for the creation of a special agency for the promotion and development of the territory" in collaboration with the Province, Region, Central Government and the European Union and the achievement of specific financial resources, which will help promote economic growth activities, with the development of innovative interventions and logistical and financial support to the productive fabric of the city, especially for the scope of the social and cooperative, as well as the activation of procedures for the recognition of local products in order to obtain quality marks, the implementation of a regional marketing "of products-food, with action promotion of controls on traceability. "conclude Macaro and Ciccone.
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