receive and publish : Profazio Stefano was born in Rome in June 1969 by a merchant family, the father was a wholesale trader of hardware among the largest in the capital. In 1998 he finished high school in computer science, began working at the company where his father started the first professional experiences in the field of trade. From 1988 to 1991 with his father manages the family business and from there began to escalate in the commercial sector.
In 1991 began a short collaboration with the computer graphics company that has large contracts with RAI
In 1992 he won the competition in the Academy Air Force Pozzuoli with the role of cadet pilot began attending regular courses of specialization within the Academy itself.
In 1993, he left the Air Force Academy and moved to the United States. During his stay in the U.S., attending courses of specialization and language skills at the University of Miami and at the vocational school Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center, receiving the first diploma of Business Inglese, Toefl, and later a diploma in English language. Take part in the courses of Computer Education and Business Technology. From 1994 to 1996 obtained a diploma of specialization at the Miami Dade Community College.
In 1994 he began to work in the United in a multinational import-export. In business management, he was appointed Wholesale Representative for more than three years with excellent sales results in the market of South America.
Back in Italy, 1997, after a long and significant professional experience and studies in the U.S., with the advent of liberalization by telephone is introduced into the world of telephony and began working at a large British multinational fixed telephony and internet services that offer alternative those of Telecom Italy. Initially he was appointed to promote the product commercially voice and data alternative to the monopoly Telecom, acquiring large companies on the market.
In 1998 he was offered the opportunity to get to work at a company linked to the Galaxy Telecom, which has the role of Account Manager in the sales department responsible for purchasing large customers.
In 2000 he left the galaxy and enters Telecom, companies specializing in fixed telephony and internet at low cost, initially called upon to play, always in the direction of trade, the role of Key Account Manager responsible for acquisition of major clients. In a second time he was given the task of Area Manager responsible for all of central Italy. As Area Manager becomes responsible for the development, management and training of 15 sales networks. Organize courses aimed at the professional external agencies, the as with their agents, distribute the product in the assigned area. The response was immediate and the company immediately jumps to the flashes of news and live moments of great stress.
In 2001, the British multinational called back by the then sales manager, he was offered the position of Area Manager Central Italy. Within the same continues to organize training courses, recruiting, selecting and managing external agencies that deal with distribution and product penetration in the territory assigned.
After 6 long years in the world of fixed telephony services and the Internet are given the opportunity to further experience in that world, aggiungendo l’ultimo tassello rimasto, quello della telefonia mobile, acquisendo così l’esperienza e la conoscenza nel campo delle telecomunicazioni a 360 gradi.
Nel settembre del 2003 approda nella multinazionale inglese leader in europea nella telefonia mobile come la stessa posizione di Area Manager. Anche qui riorganizza l’asseto della agenzie con il compito della gestione della formazione e del reclutamento di quest’ultime, congiuntamente all’affiancamento sul territorio degli agenti nelle grandi ed impegnative trattative con i grandi clienti, garantendo il trasferimento delle conoscenze acquisite verso le strutture esterne di riferimento.
Riordina il supporto alle agenzie esterne nell’identificazione di nuove opportunità commerciali e nella definizione delle azioni più opportune, organizza tempestive azioni correttive per conseguire gli obiettivi di vendita nell’area assegnata.
Nel luglio del 2005, dopo 8 anni nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, esce definitivamente dal mondo della telefonia e viene chiamato dalla più importante multinazionale spagnola nel Business del Gioco lecito per gli apparecchi da intrattenimento.
All’interno gestisce e coordina commercialmente, sia lo sviluppo, che la gestione della rete telematica di tutto il centro-sud Italia.
Il gruppo è uno dei più importanti a livello mondiale disponendo di fabbriche proprie in Spagna, Stati Uniti, Argentina, Colombia e Brasile ma Unfortunately, the adventure ends in the early stages of start-up, when the company decided to sell the majority stake in another English company partner.
After a short pause for reflection professional in 2007 entered the commercial management of the multinational Italian-German, the undisputed leader in Europe's largest portal for the sale of used cars and 0 mileage.
is currently in force at the company and serves as Field Operations Supervisor.
Busy for many years, both in business management and in other roles, he gained extensive experience in liaising with thousands of clients and knowledge of the territory. In place, its relevance to operational is the central and southern Italy where he also takes care of the training of new recruits.
Previously, he worked in Spain where he helped organize the marketing division of the Field. Familiarity reached with the English language, occurs during its long period of study and work in the U.S., just in Miami, a town eccentric, difficult, full of contradictions and fully bilingual. That experience of living and working overtime, the lead in further developing the foreign languages, will allow him to visit in the second half, with no problems, no less than 54 cities in Spain and to achieve satisfaction in working with the formation of two new territories on the Field . During his stay in Spain had way to forge important links with interpersonal manager Iberian are then led to real and true friendships that still endure.
The constant contact with customers, based on confidence and friendliness, always supported with the right advice about new products or alternative products, led him to increase the business customer market. Not least are the target actions for the recovery of cancellations, a figure on the field so versatile, versatile, multi-role, produce exemplary results.
Equipped with navigation, glasses, and his I-Phone, which keeps him in constant contact with the office and its many problems daily, listening to his favorite radio station with economic and financial news, il Profazi si muove nel traffico di mezza Italia con una esperienza consolidata negli anni che gli permette di raggiungere i migliori risultati lavorativi ovunque.
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