Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Fri placidly entre el ruido y la prisa,
Recuerda que la paz puede estar en el silencio.
Sin renunciar a ti mismo, esfuèrzate por ser amigo de todos.
Di tu verdad,quiètamente,clàramente.
Escucha a los otros aunque sean torpes e ignorantes;
Cada uno de ellos tiene tambièn una vida que contar.
Evita a los ruidosos y agresivos,porque ellos denigran el espìritu.
Si te comparas con los otros puedes convertirte en un hombre vano y amargado;
Siempre habrà cerca de ti alguien mejor o peor que tù.
Alegrate tanto de tus realizaciones como de tus proyectos.
Ama tu trabajo aunque sea humilde;es el tesoro de tu vida.
Se prudente en tus negocios,porque en el mundo abundan las gentes sin escrùpulos.
Pero que esta convicciòn no te impida reconocer la virtud;
Hay muchas personas que luchan por hermosos ideales y dondequiera que mires la vida està llena de heroìsmo.
Se tu mismo.
Sobre todo no pretendas disimular tus inclinaciones.
No seas cìnico en el amor,porque cuando aparece la aridez y el desencanto en el rostro,
Se convierte en algo tan perenne como la hierba.
Acepta con serenidad el consejo de los años y
Renuncia sin reservas a los dones de la juventud.
Fortalece tu espìritu,para que no te destruyan inesperadas desgracias.
Pero no te crees falsos infortunios;
Muchas veces,el miedo es producto de la fatiga y la soledad.
Sin olvidar una justa disciplina,se benigno contigo same.
You're only a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the categories Bathing;
have the right to be here.
And, if you have no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
at peace with God, no matter how you imagine;
whatever your labors and aspirations,
Keep peace with your soul, in the noisy confusion of life.
Despite its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, Earth is still beautiful.
be careful.
Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrman

Monday, November 22, 2010

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The Mortgage is a reality thanks to "LaDestra"

Sull'emergenza abitativa il forte impegno de "LaDestra" comincia a farsi strada. Ne danno notizia il Segretario Comunale del Partito Angelo Macaro ed il Membro del Comitato Centrale Francesco Ciccone che con orgoglio e fierezza plaudono all'iniziativa dei propri rappresentanti in Regione.

Per quanto tempo abbiamo parlato di Mutuo Sociale? Finalmente alla Regione Lazio, at the urging of the Group and the Councillor Buontempo Council Chamber composed by Francesco Storace and Roberto Buonasorte is about to become reality, at least on an experimental basis, the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving the opportunity to become home owners even the poor people. With great satisfaction we inform the citizenry that in recent days the President Polverini brought together the group leaders from the ruling coalition to discuss the process of the law intended to revive the construction industry in the Region through the new opportunities for expansion of our homes. Plan which was launched by the Berlusconi government and the junta Marrazzo used badly.

Our idea is simple. We begin to see where we can apply this idea, before the launch of a comprehensive law that will offer the aftermath of the approval of the "House Plan". In practice, today there are many families living in public housing managed dall'Ater in every province of Lazio. In these families, whose incomes are obviously low, we propose to take ownership with a law stipulating that they will pay a Mortgage Social 20 per cent of income. The beneficiary is precarious at 1.000,00 Euro per month? It will pay 200. In the bank would not have even passed. The term of the loan will be fully paid up and the payment to be deducted the fees paid to date for rent. It will be in the region take on the accrued interest, will not be a citizen to have to deal with weak banks' power.

After approval of the "House Plan" will be a Rules of the Board to establish rules for access to the Mutual Social Ater homes. What is fundamental is to establish clearly, starting from the principle that the grant of housing to become owners if they Mutuo Sociale in good standing with all payments. If found to unemployed beneficiaries, the payment of the installment will be suspended without the loss of property and paid in anticipation of the Region, which will review the status of unemployment, the end of which advances will be restituite prorogando la durata del Mutuo Sociale, senza che vi sia un Euro di interesse.

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Buontempo: "Counterfeiting of combat!"

Quando è in gioco la sicurezza dei cittadini e, in particolare, quella dei minori, bisogna evitare di rincorrere gli eventi o di attendere gravi fatti di cronaca per intervenire, occorre invece che la Pubblica Amministrazione e le autorità tutte creino le condizioni ideali di uomini, strutture e corretta informazione per prevenire casi come quelli legati alla contraffazione ed alla immissione sul mercato di giocattoli costruiti senza la conformità alle norme vigenti e dannosi per la salute dei cittadini.

In Italia la contraffazione viene spesso, e giustamente, mitigated through the lens of tax evasion, but this must not overshadow the need for tighter controls and extended the territory, which is useful in protecting consumers who, seeing the products shown in the windows easily fall into the deception considering that the upstream has been made all the necessary investigations. Even professional associations should act decisively on dealers display and sell these goods.

not only the task of the Tax Police, which is still recognized as intense about it, having to do the checks, but also the judiciary and law enforcement must act to rebuild all the supply chain of counterfeit products before the products reach the shops and above the stalls, or you risk that for every seizure made on legal and illegal market is multiplied by ten the offer. With the economic crisis that overwhelms the first families that leads to more choices in purchases related to the economy that the safety of products, you run the risk to children, that is the weakest, is given a gift potentially dangerous to their health .

(from www.teodorobuontempo.it )

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"Beyond ...", Fini word Teodoro Buontempo

After what has happened in recent days in Bastia Umbra, credo non si possa perdere altro tempo e che sia giunto, perciò, il momento di mettere da parte rancori e antipatie, per dare vita ad un’iniziativa che abbia come comun denominatore i veri Ideali ed i veri Valori della Destra, quelli che hanno tenuto insieme prima il "Movimento Sociale Italiano" e poi "Alleanza Nazionale".

In poche parole, serve una ricucitura politica tra tutti coloro che non condividono questo ultimo strappo di Gianfranco Fini, che spaccia come di Destra una cosa che, in realtà, rappresenta una stampella per la Sinistra. Un’operazione sciagurata, di fronte alla quale abbiamo il dovere di rimettere insieme quel patrimonio umano, di idee e di valori che, da sempre, appartiene alla Destra e that must return to occupy a space in the center. If not we will move in this direction, we will leave a dangerous vacuum, which could be filled by those who claim to be right, squeezing, however, the eye of the Left.

In essence, these are the events that would require to create an initiative that, in the center-right coalition, return together men and women who would not attend the dispersion of those values \u200b\u200band ideas that have characterized the and right now that the protagonists are likely to become supporting actors.

(from www.teodorobuontempo.it )

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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[Guest Post] - Professional experience of Stephen Profazio

receive and publish : Profazio Stefano was born in Rome in June 1969 by a merchant family, the father was a wholesale trader of hardware among the largest in the capital. In 1998 he finished high school in computer science, began working at the company where his father started the first professional experiences in the field of trade. From 1988 to 1991 with his father manages the family business and from there began to escalate in the commercial sector.

In 1991 began a short collaboration with the computer graphics company that has large contracts with RAI
In 1992 he won the competition in the Academy Air Force Pozzuoli with the role of cadet pilot began attending regular courses of specialization within the Academy itself.
In 1993, he left the Air Force Academy and moved to the United States. During his stay in the U.S., attending courses of specialization and language skills at the University of Miami and at the vocational school Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center, receiving the first diploma of Business Inglese, Toefl, and later a diploma in English language. Take part in the courses of Computer Education and Business Technology. From 1994 to 1996 obtained a diploma of specialization at the Miami Dade Community College.

In 1994 he began to work in the United in a multinational import-export. In business management, he was appointed Wholesale Representative for more than three years with excellent sales results in the market of South America.
Back in Italy, 1997, after a long and significant professional experience and studies in the U.S., with the advent of liberalization by telephone is introduced into the world of telephony and began working at a large British multinational fixed telephony and internet services that offer alternative those of Telecom Italy. Initially he was appointed to promote the product commercially voice and data alternative to the monopoly Telecom, acquiring large companies on the market.

In 1998 he was offered the opportunity to get to work at a company linked to the Galaxy Telecom, which has the role of Account Manager in the sales department responsible for purchasing large customers.

In 2000 he left the galaxy and enters Region.com Telecom, companies specializing in fixed telephony and internet at low cost, initially called upon to play, always in the direction of trade, the role of Key Account Manager responsible for acquisition of major clients. In a second time he was given the task of Area Manager responsible for all of central Italy. As Area Manager becomes responsible for the development, management and training of 15 sales networks. Organize courses aimed at the professional external agencies, the as with their agents, distribute the product in the assigned area. The response was immediate and the company immediately jumps to the flashes of news and live moments of great stress.

In 2001, the British multinational called back by the then sales manager, he was offered the position of Area Manager Central Italy. Within the same continues to organize training courses, recruiting, selecting and managing external agencies that deal with distribution and product penetration in the territory assigned.

After 6 long years in the world of fixed telephony services and the Internet are given the opportunity to further experience in that world, aggiungendo l’ultimo tassello rimasto, quello della telefonia mobile, acquisendo così l’esperienza e la conoscenza nel campo delle telecomunicazioni a 360 gradi.

Nel settembre del 2003 approda nella multinazionale inglese leader in europea nella telefonia mobile come la stessa posizione di Area Manager. Anche qui riorganizza l’asseto della agenzie con il compito della gestione della formazione e del reclutamento di quest’ultime, congiuntamente all’affiancamento sul territorio degli agenti nelle grandi ed impegnative trattative con i grandi clienti, garantendo il trasferimento delle conoscenze acquisite verso le strutture esterne di riferimento.

Riordina il supporto alle agenzie esterne nell’identificazione di nuove opportunità commerciali e nella definizione delle azioni più opportune, organizza tempestive azioni correttive per conseguire gli obiettivi di vendita nell’area assegnata.

Nel luglio del 2005, dopo 8 anni nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, esce definitivamente dal mondo della telefonia e viene chiamato dalla più importante multinazionale spagnola nel Business del Gioco lecito per gli apparecchi da intrattenimento.
All’interno gestisce e coordina commercialmente, sia lo sviluppo, che la gestione della rete telematica di tutto il centro-sud Italia.
Il gruppo è uno dei più importanti a livello mondiale disponendo di fabbriche proprie in Spagna, Stati Uniti, Argentina, Colombia e Brasile ma Unfortunately, the adventure ends in the early stages of start-up, when the company decided to sell the majority stake in another English company partner.

After a short pause for reflection professional in 2007 entered the commercial management of the multinational Italian-German, the undisputed leader in Europe's largest portal for the sale of used cars and 0 mileage.
is currently in force at the company and serves as Field Operations Supervisor.

Busy for many years, both in business management and in other roles, he gained extensive experience in liaising with thousands of clients and knowledge of the territory. In place, its relevance to operational is the central and southern Italy where he also takes care of the training of new recruits.
Previously, he worked in Spain where he helped organize the marketing division of the Field. Familiarity reached with the English language, occurs during its long period of study and work in the U.S., just in Miami, a town eccentric, difficult, full of contradictions and fully bilingual. That experience of living and working overtime, the lead in further developing the foreign languages, will allow him to visit in the second half, with no problems, no less than 54 cities in Spain and to achieve satisfaction in working with the formation of two new territories on the Field . During his stay in Spain had way to forge important links with interpersonal manager Iberian are then led to real and true friendships that still endure.
The constant contact with customers, based on confidence and friendliness, always supported with the right advice about new products or alternative products, led him to increase the business customer market. Not least are the target actions for the recovery of cancellations, a figure on the field so versatile, versatile, multi-role, produce exemplary results.
Equipped with navigation, glasses, and his I-Phone, which keeps him in constant contact with the office and its many problems daily, listening to his favorite radio station with economic and financial news, il Profazi si muove nel traffico di mezza Italia con una esperienza consolidata negli anni che gli permette di raggiungere i migliori risultati lavorativi ovunque.

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savings of Italian families

L’indebitamento delle famiglie italiane ha superato nel 2009 i 524 miliardi di euro. Un dato impressionante, ma non tragico considerato che la situazione è più precaria in Francia, Germania, Spagna e Gran Bretagna.

I dati emergono da una rilevazione condotta dall’Ufficio Studi del Cgia di Mestre. L’indebitamento medio per ciascun nucleo familiare in Italia è stato di 21.270 euro contro i 37.785 registrato in Germania, i 36.150 in Francia, i 63.477 euro in Gran Brtetagna e i 55.886 in Spagna.

L’indebitamento have also affected the national gross domestic product (GDP) in direct proportion to the amounts, namely 34% in Italy for up to 100% in Britain. The report final
announced, it appears to be a part of the great problems of Italian families to overcome the fourth week, but also a good appetite for savings and less debt.

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fight against tax evasion: the 2009 data

The fight against tax evasion, in 2009, reached the record with the collection of 9.1 billion euro, 32% more box office in 2008. The Director of the Revenue Attilio Befera reported that in 2009 some 700,000 checks were made. It

aspetta ancora il rientro di grandi somme, con la riapertuta dello scudo fiscale al 30 aprile prossimo, per condonare case e patrimoni.

Con riferimento alle segnalazioni sulle operazioni sospette di riciclaggio pervenute a Bankitalia, Befera ha detto che “Cinquanta segnalazioni antiriciclaggio non sono poche su 150 mila soggetti, se si considera che su 150 milioni di movimenti finanziari di solito le segnalazioni di questo tipo sono 14-15 mila”,

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Fiat: by 2013 the first car with zero emissions

L’annuncio arriva dalla casa automobilistica Chrysler che intende lanciare sul mercato la Fiat 500EV elettrica, a zero emissioni.

Il gruppo, partecipato dalla casa di produzione italiana, in poco più di qualche anno di collaborazione, ha già pronto un programma che non lascia dubbi sulla sua efficienza e qualità.

La nuova vettura ibrida consentirà agli acquirenti di rispettare la natura e mantenere bassi i costi di mantenimento. Esposta a Detroit, in occasione del salone dell’auto, ha già polarizzato l’attenzione degli affezionati amatori delle auto di piccole dimensioni.

Chrysler ha fatto sapere di avere ricevuto dal Dipartimento dell’Energia 48 milioni di dollari per il test di 140 Ram elettriche-ibride.

Segnale positivo questo per Paolo Ferrero, senior vice president di Fiat Powertrain, che dimostra come governo, industria automobilistica, fornitori e altri partner strategici ci tengano a raggiungere obiettivi comuni avvalendosi di tecnologie avanzate.

La Fiat 500, nonostante sia piccola, con la piattaforma leggera è perfetta per integrare la tecnologia elettrica

foto da: alvolante.it

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many Italians miss the lira? The Cloister of St. Anne

Pare che un italiano su tre rimpianga la lira. L’euro infatti viene associato al caro vita e alla crisi economica che da diverso tempo costringe a sacrifici insopportabili.

Al tempo della lira i prezzi, ricordano gli italiani, erano equi e consentivano di arrivare alla fine del mese, impresa oggi impossibile considerato che generi di prima necessità, come pane , pasta e frutta, hanno raggiunto livelli proibitivi.

Il Codacons, associaione del consumatori, a seguito di un’inchiesta, on a sample of 600 households throughout the Italian territory, found that 9.5% of the population is not familiar with the euro and we would indicate to be responsible for some of Mali, in particular the rising cost of living and loss of power purchase.

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exposed Fiber Art by Achille De Tommaso

From December 7, the artist Achille De Tommaso exhibit in the historic Cloister of Sant'Anna in Ferrara, which will feature a special exhibition of contemporary art scheduled for the fifth International Biennial of Art in Ferrara. De Tommaso is one of the few names of artists for the national exhibition, which boasts over ten years of success in the cultural and Ferrara.
In an environment steeped in historical and cultural flavors of the Cloister of St. Anne as the three works of Achille De Tommaso will be on display until December 21, 2010: we speak of works belonging to the pictorial cycle of the peculiar Fiber Art De Thomas as "Ballerina" "The Embrace" and "Brain".
In the painting titled "Ballerina" the observer is thrilled dall'apoteosi synthesis, underlined by a slight movement derived from the drapery fabric. This is a simple piece of fabric, painted by Thomas De with a deep red color and not only faced by the focal position but also the uniqueness of the subject that appears come unico elemento sospeso sulla tela. L’intensità del rosso presagisce una presenza passionale che rievoca la cultura andalusa nonché la danza del flamenco.
La materia diviene un vero e proprio racconto visivo nell’opera denominata “L’abbraccio”, dove un suggestivo gioco di luci e ombre trova nel dinamismo del gesto tutto la sua originale essenza. Questa tensione rintracciabile tra sfondi bruni e rilievi chiari richiama la metafora della “notte” della vita e il “giorno” dell’esistenza che si alternano incessantemente nei percorsi dell’uomo.
Anche in “Brain” visualizziamo pienamente tale poetica cromatica nell’accentuazione del logos e del pathos.
Involved in the contamination of art and science, Achille De Tommaso is a witness of our time, its light and its rare decaying eyesores. His works are authoritative documents of the society of the twenty-first century.

Friday, November 19, 2010

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you inside me

It is sweet to shipwreck in this sea
Giacomo Leopardi

As has become great with her and changed her look mature.
Do you see the signs on her life, keeps
deep eyes and his ability to play with the wind.
And what she likes to play with the wind,
as a child get lost in it and now he knew
create forms nuove
in aria  sempre più complesse.

Forse ora è più saggia, forse conosce solamente meglio il mondo,
però si lascia sempre sorprendere 
e affascinare da ciò che le rallegra l’animo. 
Nel suo agire sembra quasi insicura a primo impatto,tentennante: 
ma vuole solo conoscere e sapere e poi si lascia 
andare scivolando velocemente 
come un serpente alla ricerca della propria preda. 

E’ incontentabile, si perde, è pazza, è gioiosa, è vivace! 
Non le piace starsene tranquilla, si annoia. 
Quando vuole giocare ti prende per mano 
e non puoi far altro che assecondarla.
Come ti piace vederla sorridere, 
è il colore di un bel mondo in bianco e nero.

Il colore mi possiede. Non ho bisogno di tentare di afferrarlo. Mi possiede per sempre, lo sento...- Paul Klee

Friday, November 12, 2010

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This white ship

Le onde solitarie trasportano ombre
di un passato sconosciuto,
c'è ancora tempo per vincere le battaglie,
raccogli your trust.

Look beyond that phrase meaningless
and go, go on, do not give in to madness

of who throws himself in the quiet storm.

Save your soul, what you want and try
his deepest being.
will not slay your little spirit,
Come, now, on this white ship.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

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Agreement between" LaDestra "and" Fiamma Tricolore "

signed in recent days, and last week made official through a press conference held at the Chamber of Via Tito Livio, an important agreement between the political movements of "LaDestra" and "Social Movement - Flame Tricolore, logically at the city level. To subscribe to the Municipal Secretaries of the two parties, Macaro Angelo and Antonio Fiore.

"LaDestra" and "Flame", in fact, consider the common ideological position and policy can be summed up in the definition of "Social and Popular Right", characterized by the development of a model of society organica, fondata sul principio della collaborazione e del primato dell’Uomo sull’economia e proiettata alla realizzazione di uno Stato che sia realmente Stato di tutti i cittadini, e quindi sia insieme nazionale e sociale. Perseguendo un modello di società dei valori (solidarietà comunitaria, partecipazione, impegno responsabile ), i movimenti che fanno capo a livello nazionale ai leaders Storace e Romagnoli sottolineano che il bene comune si costruisce partendo da un'autentica cultura della legalità e rispetto delle leggi, conducendo quotidianamente una lotta senza quartiere alla corruzione, riportando nella Politica e nella gestione della cosa pubblica valori quali l’etica e la morale.

L'Accordo nasce also from common reflection of Macari and Fiore, which they consider urgent end to the divisions on the Right, called for the union of all those who had common roots feel the same tree branches. Precisely for this reason "LaDestra" and "Flame" the need to maintain that the political commitment, even when alternative perspectives of government must necessarily have, not to see energy and sacrifices of convicted militants and voters to useless learning. In

Document signed clearly states that the parties "agree on the necessity and convenience to enhance and formalize the essential unity of operation, communication and social policy must be developed within locale in tutta una serie di attività ed iniziative. Decidono, pur nella loro autonomia, di rapportarsi costantemente mettendo in comune le loro risorse politiche, materiali, logistiche ed umane, per lavorare insieme in modo stabile, organizzato, sistematico, partecipato e condiviso, per meglio perseguire i comuni obiettivi e far sì che si dia la massima efficacia possibile dell’agire politico e dell’influenza sociale e culturale".

Quello siglato è un accordo sui temi dei valori, della legalità, del lavoro, dello sviluppo, della difesa della dignità umana, per la realizzazione della pratica dell'oggi, l'unità di domani. Un Accordo aperto anche a tutte quelle forze civiche, quei movimenti, those of the committees of the city's right to believe that funds that fragmentation into many small realities of the political right, when it is determined by the logic personalistic and aspirations end in itself, has no reason to be. Today as never before, those who are right are required to work for the construction of a "common house", rediscovering and recovering idealism, determination and esprit de corps, military, cultural education and enthusiasm to achieve at the level a local strategy to achieve objectives such as conservation and improve the environment, the social and economic development, protection and improvement of qualità della vita.

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The commitment of" LaDestra "for farming

La fortissima crisi del settore agricolo-zootecnico non lascia indifferenti i Consiglieri Regionali de “LaDestra”, On. Francesco Storace ed On. Roberto Buonasorte. Con due importantissime Mozioni hanno di fatto chiamato in causa il Consiglio Regionale del Lazio e la Presidente Polverini. Ne danno notizia, esprimendo soddisfazione per l’iniziativa intrapresa, il Segretario Comunale de “LaDestra” di Fondi Angelo Macaro ed il Dirigente Provinciale Francesco Ciccone.

Due interventi mirati, quelli dei rappresentanti de "LaDestra" turned the spotlight on the period of dramatic crisis facing the agricultural-livestock. A crisis caused by socio-economic events of recent years and the lack of implementing policies in support of the industry. The operators, in fact, they are forced to face a heavy debt situation generated by the high production costs, compounded by fierce competition from producers in third countries that enter the domestic market large quantities of goods to food-cost way less than those borne by our producers. A situation exacerbated also by the costs arising from onerous social security contributions and user charges (tariffs Electricity, water charges, transport, etc. ...).

entrepreneurs, rather than be supported with incentives and state aid, are subject to harassment by a real part of institutes such as debt collection Gerit, a private company that deals with the collection of fees taxes and give notice to the repossession of mortgaged property and against non-compliant taxpayers, causing further damage to critical situations.

The objective of the motion was centered, which bind the President of the Regional Council to intervene in support of stakeholders, thus alleviating the signs of social tension perceived between the industry, enabling the procedures to issue a decree with which to declare a state of crisis in the agricultural sector and its productions, to put farmers in a position to benefit from the provisions of Law No 26 April 2005 71 and by Law 231/2005. "LaDestra" she asks, in fact, work against Lazio farmers through restructuring of the debts of companies, with the participation of the region for access to micro-credit, to provide the opportunity for those who, in recent years, as in serious difficulties and were in default and arrears, to heal and give new impetus to its activities by setting up professional tutors to ensure among the loan applicants and the entity.

Even at the local level "LaDestra" does not stay to watch. In the coming days Macaro Ciccone and meet the Mayor De Meo to make some proposals, particularly for the activation of post short of a path functional short chain that can run to the rescue real economy agricultural town and district by encouraging consumption of local products. "LaDestra" spokesperson will be the establishment of fruit and vegetable markets of the district, reserved only for producers Fondane, to facilitate the consumption of local purchase at market prices lower. "In keeping with the commitments made in the drafting of the Program Administrator of Elections, will be pushing for the creation of a special agency for the promotion and development of the territory" in collaboration with the Province, Region, Central Government and the European Union and the achievement of specific financial resources, which will help promote economic growth activities, with the development of innovative interventions and logistical and financial support to the productive fabric of the city, especially for the scope of the social and cooperative, as well as the activation of procedures for the recognition of local products in order to obtain quality marks, the implementation of a regional marketing "of products-food, with action promotion of controls on traceability. "conclude Macaro and Ciccone.