Charmane Star Lesbian
"LaDestra" outspoken ... Mercoledì 26 Maggio, alle ore 12, si è tenuta una Conferenza Stampa de "LaDestra" di Fondi presso il Centro Direzionale del MOF. Alla stessa, oltre al Segretario Comunale Angelo Macaro, hanno partecipato i Dirigenti locali Francesco Ciccone ed Antonio Fiore. Sono intervenuti i vari Corrispondenti locali dei quotidiani "LatinaOggi", "LaProvincia" ed "IlMessaggero".
Diversi i temi politico-amministrativi affrontati, innanzitutto la decisa e chiara presa di posizione relativamente ai rapporti tra i Partiti di maggioranza e l'Esecutivo, ritenendo insufficiente la comunicazione del Sindaco De Meo in merito alle azioni messe in essere in queste prime settimane di attività by the Executive itself. "LaDestra" has announced a request for a meeting that will present the various coalition parties, in order to establish the Conference of the majority party, which both support and interface with the Mayor and Board and represents a moment of confrontation between the political parties on the budget addresses that must characterize the administrative action and the implementation of the program myself.
On the question of the Board's committees, "LaDestra" pointed out that there is a substantial diversity of views than the number of components. In fact, the number of components, in order that the committees are operating bodies, it must be a maximum of 7 units, expression of the majority of which 4 and 3 of the minority.
It is also felt that members withdrawing their attendance fees which are going to be a Social Fund available to elementary and junior high schools to develop educational activities and extras, that can not take off due to lack of funds. "LaDestra" believes that in the general climate of austerity and significant increases in local taxes, including the Mayor and council should give a good signal for them to do so by providing for minimum wages, according to current regulations with a further deduction of 10% go to replenish the fund to which it referred.
Finally, reference was made to two major issues involved, such as that of Park Ausoni and Fruit and Vegetable Market Funds, which have been raised by local leaders to the attention of the representatives of "LaDestra" at regional level for targeted interventions on which we focus on another occasion.
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