Da ieri la Sezione locale de “LaDestra” ha anche una Responsabile femminile: il suo nome è Marialuisa Fiore, ha 21 anni (ancora da compiere) e tanta voglia di darsi da fare per le donne della sua città.
“Quando il Segretario del mio Partito Angelo Macaro has assigned me the task - and tells the young activist - I immediately showed great enthusiasm. I'm happy - says the same - because women's issues become the subject of interest during election campaigns and then end up in oblivion. There are many topics to be covered: in addition to the usual (violence against women or the role of women in society), there are other very basic in our city. For example, the difference in salary between the genders, and part-time, what is too often considered by women because of maternity or prejudices resulting from the lack of adequate facilities for newborns. Besides the work - continues Marialuisa Fiore - there are no funds in strips rosa dove le donne incinta possono parcheggiare senza essere costrette a vagare per ore alla ricerca di un posteggio. Ma i problemi sono moltissimi altri – conclude la giovane esponente – ed io spero che, anche grazie al piccolo contributo mio e delle mie colleghe, le cose possano cominciare a cambiare”.
“Quando il Segretario del mio Partito Angelo Macaro has assigned me the task - and tells the young activist - I immediately showed great enthusiasm. I'm happy - says the same - because women's issues become the subject of interest during election campaigns and then end up in oblivion. There are many topics to be covered: in addition to the usual (violence against women or the role of women in society), there are other very basic in our city. For example, the difference in salary between the genders, and part-time, what is too often considered by women because of maternity or prejudices resulting from the lack of adequate facilities for newborns. Besides the work - continues Marialuisa Fiore - there are no funds in strips rosa dove le donne incinta possono parcheggiare senza essere costrette a vagare per ore alla ricerca di un posteggio. Ma i problemi sono moltissimi altri – conclude la giovane esponente – ed io spero che, anche grazie al piccolo contributo mio e delle mie colleghe, le cose possano cominciare a cambiare”.
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