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"LaDestra" wand "Project Funds" “LaDestra” interviene sulla questione sollevata nei giorni scorsi dal movimento civico “Progetto Fondi”, relativamente alla crisi commerciale in cui versano piccole e medie imprese ed allo stato di difficoltà che attraversano gli operatori di Corso Appio Claudio e dell’intero centro storico cittadino, e nelle parole del suo Segretario Comunale Angelo Macaro e del Dirigente Provinciale Francesco Ciccone replica alle dichiarazioni di Luigi Parisella, Coordinatore della Lista che fa capo Former President George Flower of the City Council.
"We would like to clarify that there is Parisella considerations in the determination of a sensitive situation for some time that passive starring our countrymen engaged in commercial activities of moderate size, dominated by large retailers and the globalization that is claiming victims in all over the planet, but to generalize and point out all the municipal administration as responsible for this crisis seems to be a preposterous moment. And even on the assumption attributed surprising that the reporting of such problems, long-standing is worth remembering, comes from the Coordinator of that civic movement in the last sixteen years of center-right government weblog Fund saw its founders and leaders in positions of first order and loads of those powers and responsibilities that would allow perhaps a different current state if it was that commitment strong commitment efforts in this direction instead of in a completely different business, or to create and strengthen political and administrative power that constantly seeks to protect special interests and not the community. "
"We also intend to clarify that we will make us promoters within the municipal administration initiatives and proposals that can act decisively on this issue. Ci faremo carico di segnalare al Sindaco Salvatore De Meo la necessità di ricercare quella filiera corta per l’ortofrutta con la creazione di mercatini di quartiere senza dimenticare progetti importanti per il cuore della nostra città, il centro storico. A tal proposito proporremo di istituire un Fondo speciale per incentivi comunali e convenzioni con istituti bancari per favorire l’apertura di nuove attività commerciali da parte di giovani, con preferenza per le botteghe di prodotti tipici, artigianali e di nicchia. Agevolazioni che, inoltre, potrebbero aiutare le ristrutturazioni di immobili fino ad un determinato numero di mq. con l’obbligo della destinazione d’uso. Infine è doveroso ricordare ciò che l’Amministrazione is already being implemented despite little time has passed since his inauguration. We refer for instance to the immediate realization of the project which also provides funds to the birth of the "Nature Center" that will affect the activities of Appius Claudius and course of the entire Roman fort. An opportunity for homogeneous enhancement of the historic center and its activities, trade and craft, in a mix with the cultural and natural highlights. This is the path ahead and "LaDestra, even in this case, we will guarantee to citizens that priority is always represented by the well-being of each fund."
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