E 'was established a few years ago a First Aid Oncology (PSO) at Vicenza, with the objective of providing relief to those who have the need for support to solve ongoing problems relating to reservations for visits, compiling applications, receipt of clarification on issues related to the disease. In the emergency room, designed by sap, can be used all over Italy., By calling toll-free number 800713270. The answer to the question posed will arrive very quickly (within 48 hours). In particular, those who find themselves in need, making a request for help, can be contacted by the specialist that the case requires, agree with him a first visit free, and receive guidance on the most suitable route to follow, as well as a 'service led all the way diagnostic. For your information, we transcribe the information sito dell’Associazione ONLUS e il numero telefonico della segreteria.
tel. 0444/235321
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