Sulla bevanda, conosciuta ed apprezzata in tutto il mondo, le novità non mancano. A volte gradevoli, altre volte controverse, gettano, comunque, scompiglio e inquietano quanti alla famosa tazzina sono legati da un affetto viscerale.
L’ultima novità, in ordine di tempo, giunge dagli Stati Uniti e ci informa che recenti ricerche, condotte dai ricercatori del Duke University Medical Center, showed that coffee would increase the level of blood glucose in patients with type two diabetes. To conduct the experiment was prof. James Care which has monitored for 72 hours, a dozen patients, using a portable device. The data provided by the detector showed a comparable sort of blood sugar curve of glucose levels in people taking caffeine, increased by about eight percentage points. After breakfast we reached + 9 per cent + 15 per cent after lunch and + 26 per cent after dinner. On the contrary, eliminating caffeine, glucose levels are stable and easier to control.
Right now, they have been issued new guidelines for for diabetics, or drastic prohibitions with regard to recruitment of caffeine that is, among other things, in some soft drinks and tea.
remains the hope that other studies refute these adverse effects and is given, much longer, even a single cup of coffee. Nica
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