Che troppi, o perlomeno alcuni esponenti di destra o di sinistra, esercitino il loro spirito affaristico ponendo in atto pressioni per favorire gli amici, per accaparrarsi benevolenze in previsione della resa, in termini di voti, non significa che la concussione non is a crime. Quite the contrary.
If you have lost the references to the values \u200b\u200bwe should all take is another story, the series "The Remains of us."
surprising and annoying to read or hear statements that tend to minimize some of the events. Inconveniences the chaos, confusion of roles, the swirl of news with impressive speed lose any guidance and confusing. In
much uproar, "the man in the street, listen, observe, increasingly beset by the problem of combining the quota ends meet, judges, albeit from a level that belongs to the" mere mortals ", and thinks it would be very wiser to offer himself a serious and mature personality.
"The man in the street waiting for someone to explain why important people when you touch them, justice is not just, as it is when it intervenes in some areas of the state.
Conventional wisdom considers that in a civilized society is not just rage against those who have received a notice of guarantee, or other restrictive measures, even before it is found guilty, but at the same time considers that it should be maintained, while I understand the pain that some events can cause, a reserve tight and wait with confidence when you have the conscience to be free from low political profile that do not play even if criminal law, the play certainly ethical. Nica
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