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mothers after cancer: today you can ... Una Mozione per l’istituzione della “Banca del tessuto ovarico” e per la realizzazione del “Progetto del trapianto di tessuto ovarico” è stata presentata da Francesco Storace e Roberto Buonasorte del Gruppo de “LaDestra” the Region of Lazio, and is confident and proud that express the appreciation of the local party leaders, the Municipal Secretary and National Executive Macaro Angelo Francesco Ciccone.
In particular, the "Bank of ovarian tissue" is necessary to meet the demands of motherhood of women (over 70%) in the forty years that cancer patients lose irreversibly the hormonal and reproductive function as a result of cancer treatment. To date, the only option offered to patients to preserve the reproductive function is represented by the oocyte and the subsequent criconservazione medically assisted procreation. The "Bank of ovarian tissue "would be an alternative model as well as being maintained by a public facility, a Bio-Bank in which the cortex of the ovary containing the egg cells of the patient is kept in liquid nitrogen (vitrified) and then be re-engaged in the woman allowing a recovery hormonal and reproductive function giving the possibility and the joy of being mothers. The Regional Councillors
Buonasorte Storace and the text of the motion for the establishment of the "Bank of ovarian tissue and to achieve the" Project of transplanting ovarian tissue, "ask the Regional Council to bind the President Polverini ensure that an Protocol Intesa tra la Regione Lazio e l’Istituto Nazionale Tumori “Regina Elena” di Roma.
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