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Fiat, the time of blackmail and threats. We are not! Black-out After decades during such as Fiat did to the Italians pay the debts and cash profits to shareholders, is now passed to the blackmail and threats, and would even replace the Parliament in clear ordinary law and constitutional principles. The policy has not sufficiently understood what was in game with the story of Pomigliano, that Fiat has used to take the pulse of the Government and trade unions.
L’ipotesi di trasferimento fatta dall’Amministratore Delegato della Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, di portare in Serbia la produzione dello stabilimento di Mirafiori, rappresenta la naturale conseguenza di tutto ciò ed è un ulteriore elemento, freddamente deciso a tavolino, per disimpegnare la Fiat dall’Italia, tentando di far ricadere la colpa morale, economica e politica sui sindacati e sulle forze politiche che reagiscono a tanta insopportabile arroganza.
"LaDestra", attraverso il suo Presidente Nazionale Teodoro Buontempo ed il Segretario Nazionale Francesco Storace, pertanto, invita il Governo e le forze politiche rappresentate in Parlamento a chiedere conto alla Fiat del perché in Italia non fa più investment in research of new competitive models and energy saving in fuel consumption and, finally, why not invest for years to modernize the plants. Understand, so, that Fiat has long been cynically planned to develop the automobile industry outside national boundaries.
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