Sunday, August 29, 2010

Traditional Garment Of India

Meeting in person


start at the beginning.
A nice holiday was coming to an end, I was stuffed with suitcases, bags and bags to warp right to the point a bit '. I was heading in that moment alone, to the bus stop. So I see this girl alone on the roadside, she backpack and holding a faithful camera. He seemed distracted by the landscape, the workers to make some kind of important step. Trudging in my step, I walked towards my direction and looked at her.
the guard without being intrusive, look at her as the people who seem interesting in attitude "eye" fleeing to avoid violating the people, if I drive people to become invasive even if they are totally unaware of being under observation.
I was fascinated.
E io amo essere affascinato. Di conseguenza scatta quel meccanismo in cui cominci a parlare con la tua coscienza e analizzare con te stesso ciò che ti aveva appena colpito. Riassumendo il mio discorso interiore, mi dicevo “Sembra una ragazza carina, guardala credo che sia in viaggio da sola. Non è sicuramente da tutti.” E poi sembrerà una stupidità, ma vederla con una macchina fotografica in mano le faceva conquistare molti punti nei miei confronti, lo considero un fatto molto positivo, un sinonimo di creatività. In seguito continuavo a dirmi e a ipotizzare, tentavo di darle un’identità “Dovrebbe essere una persona interessante, ma davvero. L’istinto, queste sensazioni a pelle me lo fanno intendere”. But in the meantime I continued on, so I gave up the thought touched.
Shortly later found myself waiting for the bus with me and my friends that I had meanwhile reached or exceeded with the best "scansafaticaggine" dell'autostop. I began to scrutinize. In my own way just means a bit 'on the sly, a little' show me no. So the idea of \u200b\u200bvamp dovergli exchange a few words, but I restrained my usual, I asked myself a thousand obstacles and shyness. If individuals took my notebook and wrote silly rhyming words in my head was created on the fly. I felt his gaze on me curious and I like it now. However I had not yet decided to proliferate word and all of a sudden the bus came. It was she who had just taken his notebook and said that Murphy's Law was never wrong. I mumbled something spontaneously and in those few moments I asked if he was also traveling alone. She said, partly yes, partly no. We got on the middle: you only a couple of posts later, I and my friends comfortably at the bottom.
I had decided, in the book and the few words I had been enough to force myself to having to know. I was dying to meet you.
This was the reason why bet with a friend of mine that I would have sat there and I stuck close button: it was only a ploy to get them going. But alas, I was back at the mercy of my uncertainty. So I did not do anything for a while 'time. What I did was take action when at one point turned around and our eyes met. As I like to cross his eyes, I think I can speak without words. After a while, so I got up and walked to his seat with excitement and hidden (I think) I used the first sentence of easy and obvious at that moment I could go out, it was a "Can I bother?". He was busy writing and the question turned to me, gave me his answer in the affirmative at once a sense of contentment.
I could finally give a name, Claudia and I was just talking to her simple and natural, above all, very nice. I will not dwell in detail sulla nostra conversazione, poiché parlammo tanto e di tanti argomenti, anche se fu uno dei miei viaggi in bus più corti della mia vita. Ricordo bene che mi fece subito piacere, quasi felice il fatto che ,durante il tragitto a piedi, lei mi abbia notato e mi avrebbe voluto salutarmi, dirmi un “ciao”, per farci quel pezzo di strada insieme, anche se poi non l’ha fatto per chissà quale analogo timore. Dovevo scendere, alla fine mi chiese un contatto e internet si rivelava sempre una grande invenzione.
Nonostante la piccola invadenza degli amici, dopo esserci salutati ero soddisfatto, ma anche un po’ dispiaciuto. Soddisfatto perché le mie sensazioni avevano avuto ragione. Quella piccola, ma ricca conversazione bastava per rendermi conto che avevo conosciuto una bella persona e questo mi impreziosiva. Ma soprattutto ero sorpreso dal fatto di sentirmi sorridente, gioiosi, ma sì felice. Mi sentivo un condottiero vittorioso (di chissà quale grandioso gesto, ma non me ne importava). Ripensavo a ciò che era successo, Claudia era riuscita condividere quel poco che mi aveva davvero colpito, mi aveva messo in moto.
A quell’incontro ci penso ogni tanto, mi fa sorridere.



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