“Quando il Segretario del mio Partito Angelo Macaro has assigned me the task - and tells the young activist - I immediately showed great enthusiasm. I'm happy - says the same - because women's issues become the subject of interest during election campaigns and then end up in oblivion. There are many topics to be covered: in addition to the usual (violence against women or the role of women in society), there are other very basic in our city. For example, the difference in salary between the genders, and part-time, what is too often considered by women because of maternity or prejudices resulting from the lack of adequate facilities for newborns. Besides the work - continues Marialuisa Fiore - there are no funds in strips rosa dove le donne incinta possono parcheggiare senza essere costrette a vagare per ore alla ricerca di un posteggio. Ma i problemi sono moltissimi altri – conclude la giovane esponente – ed io spero che, anche grazie al piccolo contributo mio e delle mie colleghe, le cose possano cominciare a cambiare”.
Monday, May 24, 2010
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“Quando il Segretario del mio Partito Angelo Macaro has assigned me the task - and tells the young activist - I immediately showed great enthusiasm. I'm happy - says the same - because women's issues become the subject of interest during election campaigns and then end up in oblivion. There are many topics to be covered: in addition to the usual (violence against women or the role of women in society), there are other very basic in our city. For example, the difference in salary between the genders, and part-time, what is too often considered by women because of maternity or prejudices resulting from the lack of adequate facilities for newborns. Besides the work - continues Marialuisa Fiore - there are no funds in strips rosa dove le donne incinta possono parcheggiare senza essere costrette a vagare per ore alla ricerca di un posteggio. Ma i problemi sono moltissimi altri – conclude la giovane esponente – ed io spero che, anche grazie al piccolo contributo mio e delle mie colleghe, le cose possano cominciare a cambiare”.
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"This appointment was made by the former Acting President Esterino Montino, contrary to existing legislation, regional law 29/97, which provides a terna di nominativi da sottoporre, a cura della Giunta Regionale, al parere dei Sindaci interessati. Considerando l'innovazione statutaria è obbligatorio il parere della Commissione Consiliare Permanente competente". Storace sollecita così la Presidente Polverini "a ripristinare quei criteri di trasparenza e democrazia calpestati dalla precedente Amministrazione Regionale rinnovando il Consiglio dell'Ente".
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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"We, the critical awareness of the Coalition '. It is this role that it aims to have" LaDestra "of funds within the new administration led by Mayor Salvatore De Meo. I have explained very clearly, at a conference on Saturday morning, the Provincial Commissioner Emilio Perroni, the city and provincial leaders Macaro Angelo Francesco Ciccone, the first post-election budget: "Our Party is a young, and we are still pleased with the results: they were thrown the foundation for the future, with its emphasis on policy making. We reiterate that, in the wake of what has been done so far despite being out of the majority in the city government will put in place a strong commitment to people's problems. Verify the assignment by the first citizen of any sub-delegation in the coming weeks, but we emphasize that we are not absolutely allies Series B, indeed, we have given our substantial contribution both in terms of votes in the drafting of the electoral program of the Coalition, which is characterized by a very strong commitment in the social sphere. We will, therefore, the real opportunity to bring issues directly to the people within the administrative machinery. Anyway, we're still trying to create a valid group that does not necessarily move in the only area of \u200b\u200bThe City: Fondane continue to stay close to the streets and squares. One of our goals is to make funds the political laboratory of the right pons.