In response to the post about the caves, a friend of my attention to an open letter published on the website of Agora Magazine, sent by two National Councillors and by the Energy Working Group of Italy Nostra (National Association for the preservation of historic, artistic and natural heritage of the nation) and addressed to the mayor of Verzino Dr. Italo Russo.
" We read in local newspapers that the City of Verzino extended the deadline of the call for finding a company willing to make - in any part of the area - a mega-windfarm: 40 posts from 105 meters. The first race had been deserted. The territory of
Verzino of ancient culture, preserving a wealth of historical, archaeological, natural and landscape of great value.
In particular, it has the highest concentration of delicate caves and sinkholes, the heart of the Geopark Ipogeo of Crotone, which should be preserved and better known, to enable and enhance the enjoyment from a naturalistic tourism, including international, growing in our country and which may be a source of secure economic prosperity and cultural citizenship.
Therefore, we encourage you to want to give up any mega-project wind energy plant, high impact on the territory of Verzino fine, but that may well promote more sustainable its precious natural and cultural resources to deliver them, intact, to future generations future.
On the other hand, we became aware that the region of Calabria has decided to solve the problem of wind energy suspending any license for 120 days after the entry into force of the law by a recognition of emergencies and needs.
In the vote on the regional budget, in fact, approved last June 23, came two amendments that relate to the wind and renewable energy.
Through these amendments, inter alia, states that ... "The Department of the regional production activities, within thirty days from the date of entry into force of the law (23 July), determines the number of single authorizations for the construction of installations from renewable sources (wind, biomass, solar, hydro). The Region shall declare the forfeiture of permits only, for which it has not been fulfilled by the applicant, the commitment sottoscritto al rispetto dei termini di inizio e fine lavori.
La Giunta Regionale- entro quaranta giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore della presente normativa e alla luce delle risultanze emerse dai precedenti accertamenti- presenta al consiglio regionale, che si impegna ad approvarla con procedura d’urgenza, una proposta di provvedimento .Quindi, ogni nuova concessione sarĂ sospesa”…… ”.
Auspicando un suo ripensamento, anche alla luce delle deliberazioni della Regione Calabria, la salutiamo cordialmente,
" We read in local newspapers that the City of Verzino extended the deadline of the call for finding a company willing to make - in any part of the area - a mega-windfarm: 40 posts from 105 meters. The first race had been deserted. The territory of
Verzino of ancient culture, preserving a wealth of historical, archaeological, natural and landscape of great value.
In particular, it has the highest concentration of delicate caves and sinkholes, the heart of the Geopark Ipogeo of Crotone, which should be preserved and better known, to enable and enhance the enjoyment from a naturalistic tourism, including international, growing in our country and which may be a source of secure economic prosperity and cultural citizenship.
Therefore, we encourage you to want to give up any mega-project wind energy plant, high impact on the territory of Verzino fine, but that may well promote more sustainable its precious natural and cultural resources to deliver them, intact, to future generations future.
On the other hand, we became aware that the region of Calabria has decided to solve the problem of wind energy suspending any license for 120 days after the entry into force of the law by a recognition of emergencies and needs.
In the vote on the regional budget, in fact, approved last June 23, came two amendments that relate to the wind and renewable energy.
Through these amendments, inter alia, states that ... "The Department of the regional production activities, within thirty days from the date of entry into force of the law (23 July), determines the number of single authorizations for the construction of installations from renewable sources (wind, biomass, solar, hydro). The Region shall declare the forfeiture of permits only, for which it has not been fulfilled by the applicant, the commitment sottoscritto al rispetto dei termini di inizio e fine lavori.
La Giunta Regionale- entro quaranta giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore della presente normativa e alla luce delle risultanze emerse dai precedenti accertamenti- presenta al consiglio regionale, che si impegna ad approvarla con procedura d’urgenza, una proposta di provvedimento .Quindi, ogni nuova concessione sarĂ sospesa”…… ”.
Auspicando un suo ripensamento, anche alla luce delle deliberazioni della Regione Calabria, la salutiamo cordialmente,
Teresa Liguori e Mariarita Signorini
Consiglieri nazionali ed il Gruppo di Lavoro Energia Italia Nostra onlus
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