Monday, March 17, 2008

Bump On Gum Above Tooth

Diary Part

Thanks to all of you who have written on this blog, I would do it in a collective manner and I am sure you will understand that only an enormous amount of work I subtract the actual time for devote to the care of interpersonal relationships, which I treasure.
I have to go in all the towns of Basilicata, not only for me but especially to learn to listen, listen and listen.
The first stage in the province of Potenza, was held a few days ago Atella, a charming little town of just over three thousand inhabitants, which gave us great surprises.
The first is the mayoral candidate of the Rainbow Left, a young companion of the beautiful things of which it bears is that there is pending an / a child / a.
opening of the campaign is responsible for the operative work of the PRC, Maurizio Zipponi and at the conclusion of the public with him Titti De Simone and we met with the stewards of the FIOM Fiat Sata Melfi.
I can say that for me it was like receiving an injection of adrenaline, Tweety and I were able to listen.
I firmly believe that the emotional connection mentioned by Gramsci is achieved when you can get in deep harmony and respect with our people, the individuals who compose it, with the struggles and conflicts that spontaneous and organized animate our territories.
My people are the workers, temporary workers, the unemployed are young people seeking their first job and the ultra-olds are expelled dal mondo del lavoro. In quello che brutalmente chiamano mercato del lavoro se gli ultra quarantacinquenni non hanno speranza di trovarlo un lavoro, per i giovani la richiesta è quella di essere non sindacalizzati, freschi di studi, precari. E spesso non basta solo essere giovani e disponibili ad accettare di tutto - straordinario non pagato, buste paga fasulle, turni ed orari di lavoro massacranti, il silenzio quando si rilevano pericolose assenze dei requisiti di sicurezza altrimenti "te ne vai a casa"- ma bisogna essere portatori di benefici economici per l’impresa (24 mesi di disoccupazione e quindi sgravi fiscali e contributivi).
Per ritornare all’incontro con gli operai della Fiat's Melfi what struck me was the tone dell'insostenibilità actions and the story of their working conditions, the demand to put the priorities of our programs, rights issues, a decent wage, security (just the day before another worker had been the victim of a serious accident at work), to reject that protocol on welfare on which Prodi has put the blackmail of yet confidence in the Government.
Then we left Fiat , Federmeccanica Calearo and are always on the opposite side to our nature and do not change the face and even with the electoral alchemy and the game of the three PD cards that we think we can boldly Italians believe that there are, in its lists, two irreconcilable needs, workers and bosses.
am sure that the political left in Italy continue to exist and will be strong until the end because it will be able to take as its genetic characterized the issue of job quality, combating unemployment and humiliation ' lack of income in a society of political, social and civil rights.

PS: You have the face of 14:00 TG3? The Left the Rainbow has been totally obscured. you begin to see that avere paura di un nostro gran risultato? Non hanno neppure fatto finta e tentano miseramente di metterci a tacere imbrogliando gli italiani che, dal servizio pubblico e regolarmente pagato con il canone Rai, hanno diritto ad una informazione non truccata da interessi, questi si convergenti. Quelli del PD e quelli del PdL.
In ogni caso noi ci siamo e dobbiamo far sentire forte la nostra voce tra le persone, davanti le fabbriche, davanti le scuole e le università, ovunque riteniamo opportuno.


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