Tocco il pensiero con un dito, si muove
come la superficie di una pozzanghera
al contatto di una goccia d'acqua candida.
C'è un sorriso che si confonde con il mio.
Il controllo inutile di questo strano giro
fatto di strade impetuose e nuove.
Visioni di sguardi lontani cercati
e labbra morse davanti ai reati.
In neri corridoi chiusi i pensieri
liberati dai sorrisi troppo sinceri.
Sono strane sensazioni della mente,
creano calori e vapori d'incertezza
rendendo il vano equilibrio incostante
su pezzi di vetro attoniti nella mutezza.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
X Ray Of Cervical Lordosis
you. Turn
runs on a thin wire
When you're hanging from a branch
slides on earth
When floating in the air
Sit on a chair when you walk on the ceiling
Listen When you listen to the red white
peered out
When you look at the window just in front of the mirror
you. Turn
runs on a thin wire
When you're hanging from a branch
slides on earth
When floating in the air
Sit on a chair when you walk on the ceiling
Listen When you listen to the red white
peered out
When you look at the window just in front of the mirror
Monday, September 13, 2010
How Long Does It Take To Get A Chest Infection
Something is
"I am the outskirts of a city that does not exist, the gloss of a lengthy book is not written.'m Not nobody, nobody. I can not hear, I can not think, I will. I am a figure of a novel to be written and passing through the air and flaked senza aver avuto una realtà, fra i sogni di chi non ha saputo completarmi."
"Del resto in che cosa posso contare su di me? Un terribile acume delle sensazioni, e la profonda consapevolezza di stare sentendo... Un'intelligenza acuta per distruggermi, e un potere di sogno desideroso di distrarmi... Una volontà morta e una riflessione che la culla come un figlio vivo..."
"I am the outskirts of a city that does not exist, the gloss of a lengthy book is not written.'m Not nobody, nobody. I can not hear, I can not think, I will. I am a figure of a novel to be written and passing through the air and flaked senza aver avuto una realtà, fra i sogni di chi non ha saputo completarmi."
"Del resto in che cosa posso contare su di me? Un terribile acume delle sensazioni, e la profonda consapevolezza di stare sentendo... Un'intelligenza acuta per distruggermi, e un potere di sogno desideroso di distrarmi... Una volontà morta e una riflessione che la culla come un figlio vivo..."
What Are The Symptoms Of Chest Infection
Cigli road
Non è mai chiaro, cammina vestito di una nuvola informe che agguanta persone, oggetti e parole. Si crede stupido, ma non lo pensa anche se rimane distratto per almeno un secondo in più, così perché gli fa piacere. Guarda un po' a terra when there is nothing else to serve them around at that time. On its way lance pieces of his head on the road, then thinks better of it and go back to take them back. Or maybe not, so occasionally see strange pieces of moldy head by the roadside. The sun is hot, he is a bit awkward to pull out of the mouth worlds entered his mind and disorderly. Side panels, borders books, borders of sidewalks that do not fit together. Look down from a railing, everything is quiet, but it is too high. Hands in his pockets, perhaps to beg smiles and tender while returning to dirty the roads.
Non è mai chiaro, cammina vestito di una nuvola informe che agguanta persone, oggetti e parole. Si crede stupido, ma non lo pensa anche se rimane distratto per almeno un secondo in più, così perché gli fa piacere. Guarda un po' a terra when there is nothing else to serve them around at that time. On its way lance pieces of his head on the road, then thinks better of it and go back to take them back. Or maybe not, so occasionally see strange pieces of moldy head by the roadside. The sun is hot, he is a bit awkward to pull out of the mouth worlds entered his mind and disorderly. Side panels, borders books, borders of sidewalks that do not fit together. Look down from a railing, everything is quiet, but it is too high. Hands in his pockets, perhaps to beg smiles and tender while returning to dirty the roads.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Activare Manuala Gta 4
asking too much?
Take a second e sapere quante persone nascono, quante persone vivono e quante persone muoiono. Davanti al paradosso che è la vita, gli esseri umani si mostrano semplici ed elementari. Così inconsci della nascita, così attaccati alla vita, così impauriti dalla morte. Anche quel giorno riecheggiavano i pianti di piccole creature che venivano al mondo, un altro essere umano aveva compiuto il primo passo verso la vita. Così in quello scenario che è il mondo, nuove vite, nuove memorie tracciavano il proprio passaggio e i percorsi si scontrano, si dividono, più lentamente, più velocemente, parallelamente, in senso contrario. Eric tracciava la sua. Dentro quella città dominava il caos e il traffico. Persone che andavano e venivano. There, the movement has not subsided ever, an eternal race. It seemed the relentless pursuit of something, like a dog that turns around itself trying to make their own queue. He sat on a bench, intent on watching casually, the twisted intricate scenario Picasso before his eyes. He, puzzled expression and alienated, not part of that picture. He spent his gaze from the ground toward the gray sky of the city. Then lowered, frowned and his eyes dark as night became sad and aware. - It 's really what my world? - Sighing as he asked himself before the discovery of a reality that would not accept. Among the fast feet of passers-by le luci dei semafori che ritmicamente alternavano i loro colori e le mani nervose degli automobilisti sul volante, Eric aveva gettato la sigaretta che nel frattempo il vento aveva consumato lentamente. Appoggiata la schiena sulla panchina, mise le mani in tasca e rimase lì tra i suoi pensieri che si concludevano quasi sempre con un punto interrogativo. Quella società lo avvinghiava, lo soffocava. Egli voleva spezzare quelle corde che lo imbrigliavano e fuggire da tutto ciò ed essere come quella farfalla che librando nell’aria nel suo candido volo spezzato poteva guardare dall’alto il paesaggio. Proprio cosi, voleva andare in alto, e cosi come una farfalla vedere il panorama del mondo, ammirarlo liberamente. Così Eric partì, non aveva un itinerario preciso, voleva solamente esplorare luoghi, conoscere persone, guardare la vita e comprenderla un po’ di più; da questa esperienza capire meglio se stesso e ciò che voleva realmente. Il ragazzo aveva eliminato inizialmente le grandi città o posti che avrebbero potuto ricordare la società alla quale si sentiva poco legato, per cercare fortuna in un’isola indonesiana nel pacifico. L’esperienza vissuta lì lo segnò. Una piccola goccia di rugiada scivolava dolcemente sulla delicata superficie di una foglia. Cadde verso il basso posandosi sulla sconfinata distesa della stesso colore della speranza. Le oscure nubi della stagione delle piogge finalmente erano state spazzate via dal liberatorio the wind. Now the sun dominated the place charming, attentive contemplation of the landscape that appears as a playful child in front of the sweet caress of its rays. In this pristine place Eric had witnessed the simple lives of gay people, which before the famine and poverty seemed to go on undeterred as enchanted by the little things that life could offer them. But what most struck Eric was the presence of children running to their dreams, their voices were lost that carefree between the singing of birds. Dreams, dreams .. but they knew what they were dreams? Eric had seen the little children smiled, but he knew he did not smile for a new toy, or a gift brought by un papà. Sorridevano alla Vita. In quei luoghi non c’erano macchine, vestiti o personaggi famosi, ma solamente uomini vestiti di toppe e buchi che cercavano di scampare al fantasma della fame. Là i sogni potevano esistere? Eric aveva visto. Aveva visto piccole mani sporche dover portare pesanti secchi di acqua ,perché l'acqua a casa non c'era. Aveva visto piccole mani sporche prendere una matita colorata e stringerla come il tesoro più grande. Aveva visto piccole mani portare gli animali. Aveva visto piccole mani sporche tenere con curiosità un libro. Aveva visto piccole mani sporche cucinare, pulire, lavorare. Aveva visto piccole mani sporche sudare come quelle dei grandi. Aveva visto piccole mani sporche tenere le sue. Ma soprattutto, aveva saw big eyes asking him what the world was. But how could he explain what the world was? His was really that could be called? The world where everything is discounted. The world of unexpected possibilities. The world where only a pencil is a pencil. The world looks down on those who wear patches. The world in its light is expected to exceed, and advanced. What kind of world is it? There, too, had seen Eric, he had watched. He had seen his hands clean waste water. He had seen his hands clean throw a pencil bored. He had seen his hands clean pollution. He had seen his hands clean steal. He had seen his hands clean kill. He had seen superb clean hands. He had seen dead eyes and sad. They had everything, but blew it. They had all but in reality they had nothing. That's why the young man decided to leave that day and have, then, the certainty that his world does not belong to him. Also included are a very important thing: human beings could look so much alike at birth, but so different they could show to life. One day he saw two children Eric, apparently brothers, who were holding hands. He smiled and touching their eyes for a moment joyful reverie and saw the place where he felt for: poverty he had seen there and there, clutching the hands of others who were not clean or dirty. They were all alike in their nuances. Since then Eric resumed his journey, he had to see more. In the time spent traveling discovered situations not very different, if not worse, the Indonesian island. And they also discovered something that Eric wanted to seriously consider: there is so much injustice. He found her in the eyes of a sick old man, a child crying, those of a worker exploited in the eyes of a mother and melancholy. Injustice. The injustice that surrounds the world from which he thinks is easy to cover their eyes and live or even worse, open your eyes and remain indifferent. Poverty, war, disaster and destruction Eric had seen them up close, but just turn on the TV to see the obscenity of this world. But the biggest surprise for the boy was to understand that those who did not touch this kind, life for them and everything flowed calmly until you feel the pain around, did not live wars, did not see the fear and resignation. Yet he wondered if they knew that the Earth is the planet where life has taken place and the man lives and, therefore, where all men are citizens of it. There are those who like many has a home, a job, a family, maybe even children, but many others who inhabit this beautiful blue planet, a house, a job or at least food and water do not have it. Eric then looked at his hands. "Why? Their smiles and 'mine. Their heart is like mine. Their tears are like mine. But the loro vita non è come la mia. Perché? Io mangio. Io bevo. Io vivo. Loro non mangiano. Loro non bevono. Loro non Vivono. E’ così folle e sciocco voler cambiare le cose e desiderare quell'uguaglianza che dovrebbe essere presente nel mondo? Quando il dolore è vicino e lo si avverte, si sa agire e si vuole curare. Ma è difficile comprendere che il dolore di un bambino, di una madre, di un anziano, di un adulto è presente ogni giorno, ogni ora, ogni minuto? C’è chi beatamente dorme, sogna, desidera. Ma con che coraggio dorme sapendo che ce un bambino del terzo mondo bisogna spiegare che cosa sia un sogno?” Eric si sentì profondamente cambiato, strinse la mano in un pugno. “Voglio cambiare the world. I want that equality, justice and the rights that all people should enjoy. I want a world where he is no different from me, because we often forget that we are born equal, however. I want a world where you can look up and say with certainty that we all live under the same sky. I ask too much? "
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Jupiter Dasha Aquariouslagna
head ache
leaden rain penetrating
of thunder and bright flashes deafening.
drops that fall like rocks hitting
people aged quick steps.
falling through the glass window of a cold wash
gloomy silence in the little room left.
He wakes up the bed
headache takes the hammer hits the chest
hits like Othello.
ideas disappear
Illusions blacken.
The pale
hysterical days of a utopian talkative.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
How To Cut A Chudithar
Bubbles II
smiled so spontaneous
to fear in accepting the gesture.
opaque and blurred vision
a clear unexpected
in a strange twisted line.
include dust that accumulates in dark corners
wonder of a wind unknown
doubt and uncertainty in motion.
Depth of words that reflect the sky
thought whispers cautiously
flickering images in flight
stolen at night without people.
Sensitivity back
of cases closed in the corridors
of darkness by candlelight wake
e una bolla di sapone che distrae gli occhi tuoi.
smiled so spontaneous
to fear in accepting the gesture.
opaque and blurred vision
a clear unexpected
in a strange twisted line.
include dust that accumulates in dark corners
wonder of a wind unknown
doubt and uncertainty in motion.
Depth of words that reflect the sky
thought whispers cautiously
flickering images in flight
stolen at night without people.
Sensitivity back
of cases closed in the corridors
of darkness by candlelight wake
e una bolla di sapone che distrae gli occhi tuoi.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
1 Breast Swollen Means?
Che sia seduto sul mio letto, sulla mia bici o su un ponte sopra un fiume che scorre. In qualsiasi posto, trovo così semplice distrarmi e fantasticare immaginando chissà quale posto, chissà quale evento e chissà quale persona.
Così semplice e senza alcun prezzo da pagare.
Non c'è modo migliore di muoversi nelle strade del tempo e dello spazio. Creare, creare qualcosa che sia diverso dalla realtà o difficilmente raggiungibile e poterla afferrare chiudendo solamente gli occhi.
Anche adesso.
While the moon is cut in half and with the unique feature of a bridge. Who can face it through only three ways: by overcoming it one way or another, or stopping with all that surrounds him.
Majin Tantei Doujin Online
I like train stations, airports, those places that are passing through.
Like those people turn around and observe temporary.
The uniqueness of this place is their be a little detail to specific individuals, but by the nuances of the people who are mixed. And the study in the midst of this flurry of Storage, I do fascinate.
There is a cute girl that makes you dizzy, there
mom with the baby that makes you tenderness,
there is a group of friends ready for the holiday
and there is always someone to Peer in the distance.
certainly not boring, well try a bit of envy in watching the departure list: I could not give a voice to many of my unconscious?
I like train stations, airports, those places that are passing through.
Like those people turn around and observe temporary.
The uniqueness of this place is their be a little detail to specific individuals, but by the nuances of the people who are mixed. And the study in the midst of this flurry of Storage, I do fascinate.
There is a cute girl that makes you dizzy, there
mom with the baby that makes you tenderness,
there is a group of friends ready for the holiday
and there is always someone to Peer in the distance.
certainly not boring, well try a bit of envy in watching the departure list: I could not give a voice to many of my unconscious?
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